Dr. Jose Rizal once said and I qoute: "The Youth Is The Hope Of Our Fatherland." Our national hero needs no eulogy from me or from any other man. He has written his own history and written it in red on his enemy's breast. But when I think of his patience and adversity, of his courage under fire, and of his modesty in victory, I am failed with an emotion of admiration I cannot put into words. He belongs to history of furnishing one of the greatest examples of successful patriotism. He belongs to posterity as the instructor of future generations in the principles of liberty and freedom. He belongs to the present, to us, by his virtues and by his achievements. In various campaigns, on a hundred battlefields, around a thousand campfires, our forefathers have witnessed that enduring fortitude, that patriotic self-abnegation, and that invincible determination which have carved his statue in the hearts of his people. From one end of the world to the other he has drained deep the chalice of courage.

Our national heroes did not die in vain, I do not know the dignity of their birth, but I do know the glory of their death. They died unquestioning, uncomplaining, with faith in their hearts, and on their lips the hope that we could go on to victory. Always, for them: Duty, Honor, Country; always their blood, and sweet and tears, as we sought the way and the light and the truth.

The code which those words perpetuate embraces the highest moral laws and will stand the test of any ethics or philosophies ever promulgated for the uplift of mankind. Its requirements are for the thinngs that are right, and its restraints are from the things that are wrong.

The patriot, above all other men, is required to practice the greatest act of religious training--sacrifice. In battle and in the face of danger and death, He discloses those divine attributes which his Maker gave when He created man in his own image. No physical courage and no brute instinct can take the place of the divine help which alone can sustain him. However horrible the incidents of war may be, our martirs who are called upon to offer and to give their lives for our country is the noblest development of mankind.

You now face a new world--a world of change. The thrust into outer space of the satellite, spheres, and missiles mark the beginning of another epoch in the long story of mankind. In the five or more billions of years the scientists tell us it has taken to form the earth, in the three or more billions of years of development of the human race, there has never been a more abrupt or staggering evololution. We deal now not with things of this world alone, but with the ellimitable distances and as yet unfathomed mysteries of the universe. We are reaching out for a new and boundless frontier.


curiouscat805 said...
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curiouscat805 said...

hi sir! on your sample oration piece, did you mean... "I am FILLED with an emotion of admiration i cannot put into words?" Please enlighten me. Thank you.

curiouscat805 said...

and did you mean, SWEAT and tears?

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