HUMILITY: I've been a proud and ambitious person before. I have high dreams and
expectations in life especially in owning a job that can make me famous.
I always wanted to do things to be known by others.When i became a teacher,
i realized that simple things can be great if you appreciate them and take
them by heart.

OBEDIENCE: As a classroom teacher i always make sure that i carefully follow the
leadership of my school head or principal. We can associate this in
submission to a higher authority. In an institution for example, obedience
very vital because i believe in doing so, troubles and conflicts can
easily be avoided.

FEAR: This is not an emotional phobia resulting to nervous breakdown but this is
a fear of doing wrong. As an educator, we are always expected to have a
character-character somewhat worth of value. As the book of Proverb says that,
" The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom.

HONESTY: If you're honest, you can be trusted. If you can be trusted with
little things, then, expect great and bigger things to come your way.

SPEAK THE RIGHT WORDS: When you're angry and your temper pull you up, just
pause,think and speak the right words. There's no use of
expressing your anger yet destroying your student by saying
negative words.

I. TITLE : Termites as Food for Chicken


This study shows that termites, which are considered as serious pest because of their capability of destroying houses and other wooden structures, can be considered as useful in terms of source of food for our farm flocks like chickens. The researcher prepared three (3) chickens (3-4 months old) with the same weight, sizes and variety and placed each chicken in a pen. Then fed each of them with the same amount of food. One chicken with pellets, the other with crack corn and the last with termites. Observed for three weeks, their growth and weight. Then recorded the observation and compared the results.

After thorough study, an experiment was done and the investigator found out that the chicken that was fed with termites was the heaviest and the biggest among the three.



One of the problems that threatens the lives of the people in our country today is hunger. Its cold-claws grip the neck of our people, leaving them helpless and in pain. We hear from the radio we see in the television, its effect; babies sucking the breast of their dead mothers, children begging for some foods in the streets, school children who go to school with empty stomach.

Because of the high prices of all commodities, these includes food supply to our farm animals, our people cannot afford to raise even chickens-how much more to raise their families?

Our leaders must act now or it might be too late. The problem on food shortage that cause hunger among the people needs a vigorous program on food production.

Research were made on termites, one of the deadliest pests found almost everywhere in our place. After several experiment conducted by the researcher, it was found out that termites can be a good source of food for raising chickens. They are destructive that you can curse when they attacked your house but if they will be raised properly, they will be of help to us in raising chickens especially to our poor people who cannot afford to but feeds for them.

Termites are the common name of a group of insects that live in communities somewhat ants do. It is called " Anay" in one of the Filipino dialects. Its scientific name is "Termitidae".
Termite digest wood,paper,and other materials containing cellulose,with aid of protozoa in their bodies. They do much damage in tunneling through the wooden work of house, destroy books and furnitures. They are so many and almost everywhere.

This study is purposely conducted to provide significant information about raising termites to be used as food consumption on poultry flock particularly chickens, which can compete with common feeds as far as nutritive value is concerned.


a. General
To raise termites as food substitute from commercial feeds which are more nutritious and accessible in our environment even without money.

b. Specific
1. To utilize termites into food substitute for chickens
2. To counter act inflation rate of feeds supply.
3. To help poor families to have an income generating project such as chicken raising.


The study is limited only on termites as food consumption for raising chickens.


A. Material/Ingredients

The testing was performed with the use of three (3) chickens 3-4 months old with the same weight, sizes and variety. Termites, as food substitute. Each chicken is placed in a pen. Each of them with foods. One chicken with pellets, the other with crack corn and the last, with termites. Their growth and weight were observed for three weeks and the results were recorded and compared.


A. Findings

After a thorough study, the investigator found out that the chicken that was fed with termites was the heaviest and biggest among the three.


chicken Before Pellets Crack Corn Termites Result

1 245grams 350grams Heavier/bigger

2 245grams 250grams Heavy/big

3 245grams 550grams Heaviest/biggest


The researcher therefore concluded that termites can be a good food substitute for chicken. It can also lessen expenses to people who wanted to raise chicken but cannot afford to buy commercial one.


Based on the result of the experiment, the investigator recommends the following:

1. Termites should be raised as food substitute for raising chickens.
2. Discarded books and magzines instead of burning them should be used to feed termites.
3. Further experiment should be conducted to improve this study.


1. Standard Dictionary of the English Language, Volume 2,pp.1295
2. The World Book Encyclopedia, 1987 Edition, Volume 19,pp.136-137
