Basic Education Curriculum is the School Curriculum adopted by Ani-e Elementary School. It aims to develop the spiritual, moral, mental, and physical capabilities of the child, provides him with experiences and attitudes necessary for enlightened, patriotic, upright and useful citizenship. To achieve these objectives, elementary education curriculum shall provide the following:

1. Inculcation of spiritual and civic values and the develop of a good Filipino based on an abiding faith in God and genuine love of country.
2. Training of the young citizen in his rights, duties and responsibilities
In a democratic society for active participation in a progressive and productive and
Community life.
3. Development of basic understanding about Philippine culture, the desirable tradition and virtues of our people as essential requisite in attaining consciousness and solidarity.
4. Teaching the basic health knowledge and the formation and desirable health habits and practice.
5. Development of functional literacy in the Filipino and in English as basic tools for future learning.
6. Acquisition of fundamental knowledge, attitudes, habits, and skills in Science, Civics, Culture, History, Geography, Mathematics, Home Economics and Livelihood Education and their intelligent applicant in appropriate life situations.


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