Four years ago, i was assigned as a grade five teacher in one of the mountainous areas of the Municipality of Calatrava, Negros Occidental, Philippines. In my wildest dreams, i never desired to be a teacher and seriously never dreamed to be assigned to teach in the mountain. I always wanted to land a cool job like in the office where i believe i can maintain my physical appearance. It's in my mind that working in the office can make a person feel young and look good. So, i tried many times but to no avail, i failed and nothing happened.

Since i was the one among the children expected to help and perform the duty of my elder sister and brother who got married at an early age, i humbly accepted the call to serve.

The place was eighteen kilometers (18km) away from the proper. No communications, no electricity, classrooms were made of wood; temporarily built by parents who just wanted to help their small community to have an elementary school. The school was supposed to be closed during that time because of the lack of facilities, teachers and classrooms. Some parents wouldn't allow their children to enroll for the same reasons. There were only three (3) good classroom buliding intended for grades one, two and six. Others were all built temporarily.

As i've learned to submit myself to the call where i am now, i began to see poor faces. Poor in the sense that, they were children empty of the things they needed to know in life. As i devote myself to the work, i felt something has changed inside of me. I believe passion has birth inside my heart that time. " The passion to for children ". As it is said, " Many are called but few are chosen ". I therefore realized that i was chosen, i was called and created for a purpose. I was sent to be a blessing especially to the children in the mountains. Because as a teacher i believe, i mold not only the mental ability of the child but his whole being as well. The physical, the emotional,the social and the spiritual being. Therefore, " teaching is the noblest calling of all "
